Sunday, May 07, 2006

DMN publishes another

On Thursday, the Dallas Morning News published a front-page story about how my school district was trying to raise a private endowment, complete with the opinions of unnamed critics. They published my response today:
Re: "HP will pass hat to fund schools," Thursday news story.

As a student at Highland Park High School, I may be in a better position to appreciate the absurdity of criticizing district residents for spending their money on what they choose – especially when it's for their children.

The state's theft of millions of dollars so other districts can build stadiums with Jumbotrons leaves little recourse other than to raise private money. It is fundamentally un-American to try to stop spending for a positive cause through the guns of government.

Or perhaps the unnamed critics would prefer to lower the bar for everybody to achieve their false version of equality. Worked well for North Korea, hasn't it?

Nigel Watt, president, Highland Park High School Libertarians, Dallas


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