Maybe we don't need to wait for LibertyMix.
George Phillies, one of the LP's 2008 presidential contenders, just launched a "libertarian community site", It does a lot of what LibertyMix was supposed to do, and it's actually here. So, I'll be double-posting things here and on LFA for the forseeable future.
"Maybe we don't need to wait for LibertyMix."
I am not going to wait.
I still hope I didn't waste $25.
$75 for me...
Please note that LfA is still in beta, and appears once again to have been creative in where it located a non-message. However, we are working on making it better.
Also, disclaimer, the site is owned by Seth Cohn, not by me, George Phillies. I just bought ad space to support it.
Thanks for the tip - I have been waiting for libertymix for quite sometime now!
It's been so long, it's possible that many of the original donors have forgotten they even gave to LibertyMix.
I haven't forgotten.
I've started a conversation about the whole topic right here.
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